By Sean Vosler
I Need Something From YOU an admission…
Admit to yourself that the words of impact are already within you, the message you need to share is ready to surface. All that is missing are the right tools (methods) and strategies that I’ll be sharing in this guide. I’ve spent most of my adult life meticulously collecting these methods, perfecting them with testing and guidance. They’ve served me well, and I know my largest chances of positive impact lies in sharing them with the world; with you.
That’s why I compiled this guide...
and that’s why I know it will help you succeed.
“Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
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The human brain has to be one of the most bizarre things in the universe. Why it works the way it does we may never fully grasp scientifically, yet curiously enough we humans intuitively understand much of the mind's methods and madness.
“Common sense” you might call it. It’s our built-in ability to feel someone's pain, even if we’ve never experienced it, it’s our desire to feel connected to others; our natural distrust of the unknown, among
thousands of other intuitive connections.
These common wisdoms, or universal experiences, are accessible by all cultures and backgrounds, they seem to be at the core of what makes us human. Copywriting as a skill lives in that weird place between the everyday “common sense” realm that we all “get”, and the dogmatic scientific world that tries to put everything in neat little boxes.
Science and testing may point us to write, persuade, or connect in one way, where our gut might point us in another. The best copywriters know when to listen to which voice, and this book is designed to help build
your instincts around which voice you should listen to, and in which circumstance.
By putting this guide together its ebbed and flowed between being a reference work, a collection of copywriting “shortcuts”, and a personal ego fueled exposé of what I think makes persuasion work. Perhaps it’s a bit of all three.
In what feels like the 7th version of the guide, I want to present a new voice to help guide you through the different sections. This “voice” is something of a narrator to help guide you the information,
taking it from a collection of good ideas and strategies to a more cohesive step by step approach to this thing we call copywriting.
In the world of film, they have a saying: “show, don’t tell”, which is a rule I’m breaking here. Ideally, you’d just experience the “guide” I mentioned above and be none the wiser. Yet I’m “telling” you about it because it’s a valuable lesson in itself, one that I had to learn the hard way.
The lesson? Not everyone learns the same way. “Duh” is probably your default response, but for me, it was a hard-earned realization; one that’s important for us as writers to understand.
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The first job of a copywriter is to understand...
Perhaps you are like me and learn by dumping a bunch of information on the table, moving it around in different positions, stepping away from the puzzle, then coming back with a fresh set of eyes to try and piece more of it together.
But most people aren’t.
And that’s ok.
Most people prefer a mapped out step by step list.
I dislike lists.
Something inside me enjoys making things more complex than they need to be, to try and make everything a puzzle that needs to be solved. There are pros and cons to both ways of learning.
One thing I am sure of though…
we don’t want to assume that everyone learns just like us.
Funny enough, I found myself getting peeved at people for “not getting it” when they read certain parts of my book. I gravitated towards positive feedback from people who, looking back I realize, were a lot like myself. They like the puzzle, and they could make sense of the way I arranged my content.
Neither way is exactly right or wrong, but I did realize if I want this book to do its job and help as many people as possible I need to implement more guidance to the “puzzle”.
As I’ll discuss later in the book the act of “guidance” is especially powerful in the world of copywriting.
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We as writers are the guides who help lead the audience to the promised land… to reach their end goal.
To help Frodo get the ring to Mordor.
To help Luke harness the power of The Force.
To guide the Avengers on their quest to find the Infinity Stones.
Indeed our first job as ‘persuasion artists’ (fancy name for Copywriters) is to be a leader, a mentor, and indeed a guide. Our audience, the person we want to “sell” something to, needs to be much more than just a target.
They need to be our hero.
The person we’re rooting for to succeed.
Who’s trials and pitfalls hurt us when we see them stumble.
Indeed they must become our greatest hope, and we - their greatest ally.
They are on a journey… and with any journey, there is a mess of good and evil that will show up at unexpected times.
The better we get at teaching our hero how to overcome the evil and better identify the good, the better we as guides will be at reaching our end goal. That goal? To give our hero what they desire… even (and especially) if they don’t know what that is yet.
As for the title of this guide - “7 Figure Marketing Copy”... YOU are my hero, and what do I want to give you as your guide? I want to give you all the tools and strategies I can to help you write copy that can potentially generate millions in sales.
Even if your end game isn’t millions, the skills of a good copywriter (persuasion artist) are very similar to the skills shared by the best entrepreneurs, influencers, and leaders in any field. The skills will help shine a light on what makes the human mind tick.
Now, moving forward this guide will be broken down in the following way…
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How the sections of this guide are broken down.
Methods - These are designed to help you learn & practice the foundational rules behind persuasive copy; indeed you can’t break the rules (the fun part of copywriting) till you understand them. Each lesson will have a “learning objective” and a set of information that will help us grow in our understanding.
Examples - Weaved into the lessons will be examples of how the technique is used within different types of marketing, giving you specific use cases that both help illustrate the point and give you a reference to refer to with your own projects.
Exercises - As with any skill you must practice to get better. The exercises in this guide are designed to help you experience the different processes you will go through as you craft your copy. On their own, each exercise may not feel like it entirely fits into the big picture, but combined they represent all the pieces you need to write exceptional copy.
As we weave in and out of lessons and exercises I need you to be sure to take a step back and look at the big picture of what we’re looking to accomplish. As mentioned, it’s not just about learning how to write persuasively, it’s about unlocking our ability to help our audience - to bring them out of the darkness and into the light. To fight for them, to push them, to pull them, to help them become the best version they can be; all in relation to the product or service we’re persuading them to purchase.
Before we dive into the first set of lessons and exercises let’s examine why copywriting is so important and why it deserves our time and attention to learn it...

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the guide…
You have an amazing product/service, or an idea for one. Or maybe you fall into the category of the service provider, and your job is to craft copy for your clients. You may be seeing a measurable level of success! Kudos to you if that’s the case. Regardless of where you are, there’s always room to improve.
The techniques mapped out in this guide have helped me and many others to create six and seven-figure marketing campaigns; I’m so thrilled you’ve invested in yourself by picking up a copy.
This guide is designed for individuals familiar with marketing fundamentals, however, anyone who has a desire to make an impact with their words will benefit.
To get the most out of this guide view it less as a step by step manual and more as a flexible framework.
One to pull up when you’re starting to create an ad, an email, a video, sales page, or really any piece of marketing that needs
to catch someone's attention. We’ll be exploring many different perspectives on writing effective marketing, from the practical
formulas of advertising greats to the mythical foundations of universal human stories… It’s all designed to saturate your writing
world with what matters.
I’ve broken it out into four sections, the first is an overview of several tactical approaches to writing copy, the second a more overall strategic approach to compiling different pieces of copy. The third is a walkthrough of the mechanics of how different copy pieces work together, and lastly, you’ll find a section focused on helping you capture your vision; the fleeting foundation of what drives you as an entrepreneur.

At first I was afraid…
You could say, I was petrified.
That I couldn’t write copy without a proper guide.
I spent so many nights, writing things I knew were wrong.
But I grew strong.
I had known how to write all along…
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